Governorship of İstanbul / TÜRKİYE
Governorship of Istanbul (İstanbul Valiliği-GOI) is the highest administrative public authority in the city with a population of over 16 million. Approximately 2050 civil servants give service in 16 departments from various fields in GOI. The main duties of the Governorship of Istanbul are;

İstanbul Ticaret University / TÜRKİYE
Founded by Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, Istanbul Commerce University accepted students for the first time in year 2001. It is one of the first non-profit private universities of Turkey. The reputation ICU achieved within a short time is only reinforced with hundreds of international and national publications each year..

Mindshift Talent Advisory / PORTUGAL
Mindshift is a consulting company specialised in Human Resources that invests in the performance and upskilling of people’s competences, seeking to boost the digital and interpersonal maturity in organisations and society. At national level, MINDSHIFT has as one of its..

Meta4 Innovations / AUSTRIA
Meta4 Innovations is a research and development organization that designs and develops innovative tools, methodologies, products and services in the field of digital learning innovation, entrepreneurship, sustainable development, social inclusion and technology empowered..

Pragma Engineering / ITALY
Pragma is a SME working in the framework of electronic engineering applications (hw+sw): the main areas are the industrial sector (ATE) and assistive technologies. In the latter field it is developing a 10 years old collaboration with public health institutions as technological support and assistive solutions.

Media Creativa 2020 / Spain
MC2020 is the result of over 20 years of experience, challenges and lessons learned from an interdisciplinary group of professionals who share a common passion: educational innovation. MC2020 works to bring value to learning environments by researching, designing and developing different training programmes, inspired by..